plsa.algorithms.conditional_plsa module

class plsa.algorithms.conditional_plsa.ConditionalPLSA(corpus: plsa.corpus.Corpus, n_topics: int, tf_idf: bool = True)

Implements conditional probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA).

Given that the normalized document-word (or term-frequency) matrix p(d, w), weighted with the inverse document frequency or not, can always be written as,

\[p(d, w) = p(d|w)p(w)\]

the core of conditional PLSA is the assumption that the conditional p(d|w) can be factorized as:

\[p(d|w) \approx \sum_t \tilde{p}(d|t)\tilde{p}(t|w)\]
  • corpus (Corpus) – The corpus of preprocessed and numerically represented documents.
  • n_topics (int) – The number of latent topics to identify.
  • tf_idf (bool) – Whether to use the term-frequency inverse-document-frequency or just the term-frequency matrix as joint probability p(d, w) of documents and words.

ValueError – If the number of topics is < 2 or the number of both, words and documents, in the corpus isn’t greater than the number of topics.


Importantly, the present implementation does not follow algorithm 15.3 in Barber’s book [1]. The update equations there appear non-sensical. Following through the derivation that gives (non-conditional) PLSA, one arrives at the following updates:

\[\begin{split}\tilde{p}(d|t) &= \sum_w p(d, w)q(t|d, w) \\ \tilde{p}(t|w) &= \sum_d p(d, w)q(t|d, w) \\ \tilde{p}(t, d, w) &= p(w)\sum_t\tilde{p}(d|t)\tilde{p}(t|w) \\ q(t| d, w) &= \tilde{p}(t, d, w) / \tilde{p}(d, w)\end{split}\]


[1]“Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning”, David Barber (Cambridge Press, 2012).
best_of(n_runs: int = 3, **kwargs) → plsa.algorithms.result.PlsaResult

Finds the best PLSA model among the specified number of runs.

As with any iterative algorithm, also the probabilities in PSLA need to be (randomly) initialized prior to the first iteration step. Therefore, calling the fit method of two different instances operating on the same corpus with the same number of topics potentially leads to (slightly) different results, corresponding to different local minima of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the true document-word probability and its approximate factorization. To mitigate this effect, perform multiple runs and pick the best model.

  • n_runs (int, optional) – Number of runs to pick the best model of. Defaults to 3.
  • **kwargs – Keyword-only arguments are passed on to the fit method.

Container class for the best result.

Return type:


fit(eps: float = 1e-05, max_iter: int = 200, warmup: int = 5) → plsa.algorithms.result.PlsaResult

Run EM-style training to find latent topics in documents.

Expectation-maximization (EM) iterates until either the maximum number of iterations is reached or if relative changes of the Kullback- Leibler divergence between the actual document-word probability and its approximate fall below a certain threshold, whichever occurs first.

Since all quantities are update in-place, calling the fit method again after a successful run (possibly with changed convergence criteria) will continue to add more iterations on top of the status quo rather than starting all over again from scratch.

Because a few EM iterations are needed to get things going, you can specify an initial warm-up period, during which progress in the Kullback-Leibler divergence is not tracked, and which does not count towards the maximum number of iterations.

  • eps (float, optional) – The convergence cutoff for relative changes in the Kullback- Leibler divergence between the actual document-word probability and its approximate. Defaults to 1e-5.
  • max_iter (int, optional) – The maximum number of iterations to perform. Defaults to 200.
  • warmup (int, optional) – The number of iterations to perform before changes in the Kullback-Leibler divergence are tracked for convergence.

Container class for the results of the latent semantic analysis.

Return type:



The number of topics to find.


Use inverse document frequency to weigh the document-word counts?